
Syntax:             BOOL SetConnection(LPCTSTR sConnName, LPCTSTR sConnStr);

Return Value:    TRUE if the connection is set successfully, otherwise returns FALSE.


                        sConnName     Specifies name of the connection to be passed to ELS-QB.                       

sConnStr         Specifies a connection string to be passed to ELS-QB.


Call this method to pass a connection string to a connection object before instantiation. This function may be used to set the connection string before opening or instantiating a connection (see OpenConnection).


This sample code shows how to change the connection string of the specified connection at run time in ELS-QB component..


CString strConn1 = _T(“Connection1”),

strConn2 = _T(“Connection2”),

strConnStr1 = m_QBCtrl.GetConnection(strConn1);

ChangeConnString(strConn2, strConnStr1);



             BOOL CELS_QBDemoView::ChangeConnString(CString& strConn,CString& strConnStr)


CString strCurrConnStr;

strCurrConnStr = m_QBCtrl.GetConnection(strConn);

return m_QBCtrl.SetConnection(strConn, strConnStr);
