

object.Import  nIsAppend,  sConnName,  sDatabase,  sTableName

nIsAppend -   Specifies whether to select the Append to an existing table or the Insert into a new table radio-button when initially displaying Import dialog.

sConnName - A string that specifies the connection name to select in the Select destination connection list-box of the Import dialog.

sDatabase -    A string that specifies the database name to select in the Database combo-box of the Import dialog.

sTableName – A string that specifies the name of the table in which the result of  the currently active query will be imported (i.e. the value of the Table name edit-box of the Import dialog).


Call this method to display the Import dialog from ELS-QB component.


Import method returns True if the Import dialog is displayed successfully, otherwise  False.

Note: Check the section on Transferring Data Between Connections..


For Sample of Import usage see itmCmdImportAppend_Click() of frmELS_QB or itmCmdImportInsert_Click() in ELS_QBDemoVB project.